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we’ve supported thousands of people on their journeys with mental ill health. We know that every situation is unique. And regardless of the diagnosis, we always focus on each person’s situation – tailoring our approach to meet their unique needs.

Autism support and care at Danielle & Daisy Care

Autism, also referred to as autistic spectrum condition or autistic spectrum disorder (ASD), presents unique challenges in everyday life. The degree of difficulty can significantly vary from one individual to another. This diversity is the reason behind the development of our comprehensive range of innovative autism services, designed to cater to the needs of all those we support and enhance their quality of life.

At Danielle & Daisy Care, our primary objective is to empower individuals we support with the skills needed to navigate their surroundings. Through person-centered care plans, we encourage them to pursue their goals and aspirations. For some, this means enrolling in college to access a variety of courses, while for others, it might involve work placements and other day opportunities aligned with their aspirations.

Our specialist autism services

Our specialized autism services encompass various elements, including secure and home-like environments, an experienced staff team, and person-centered approaches. These services are tailored to provide comprehensive support to individuals with autism. Some key features of our specialist services include:

  •     Specialized residential options
  •     Supported living and community outreach transition services
  •     Innovative support programs within safe and nurturing environments
  •     Access to educational and employment opportunities
  •     Progression through a care pathway that maximizes each individual’s potential

In our residential and community-based services, individuals receive support from staff teams with extensive expertise in autism care. Each service also benefits from the presence of a dedicated Positive Behavior Support specialist and Priory Adult Care’s autism leads.

We adopt a multidisciplinary approach to support, collaborating closely with various professionals, including GP’s, medical experts, speech and language therapy teams, dieticians, social workers, chiropodists, opticians, community psychiatric nurses, and other specialists. Through these partnerships, we ensure that everyone receives the necessary support tailored to their individual needs.

Our specialized approach to autism is rooted in the belief that individuals should actively participate in determining how they are supported. We recognize that each person diagnosed with an autistic spectrum condition possesses their own unique abilities and preferences. Some may face challenges in social interaction, while others may struggle with communication skills.

To gain a deeper understanding of a person’s interests, strengths, talents, and support requirements, we conduct an initial autism profile assessment for individuals seeking Priory Adult Care services. This assessment helps our staff better comprehend the nuances of an individual’s condition and pinpoint specific cognitive abilities that may require attention.

To find out more about our support packages call now on : 01932 943 017